The Sintered Metal Filter SMF®
The basic technology of all exhaust treatment systems of HJS is the sintered metal filter (SMF®). This closed filter for trucks reduces particulate emissions, including ultra fine particles, by almost 100 percent. The HJS product line for trucks and buses, with particulate filter (soot traps), covers all trucks - from light to heavy and tourist coaches, so your vehicle meets the requirements of Euro standards for emissions. Whether you transport in long or short distances HJS has the right system for your needs as it covers all the famous brands such as Mercedes-Benz, MAN, DAF IVECO, Setra etc..
The suitable system for your requirements
Long distances: SMF-CRT®
The most appropriate system for the long haul - that trucks used primarily for long distance / international transportation on highways - is the proven solution SMF® (sintered metal filter). To use the SMF®, temperatures of exhaust gases must be between 250 °C and 450 °C in the muffler. This temperature range is necessary for the passive regeneration of the filter and is generally accomplished when a truck is used in such transfers.
Small / Medium distance: CSMF-CRT®
The system that is recommended for vehicles that spend most of their time in urban traffic environments is the CSMF® (coated sintered metal filter). The temperature range between 250 °C and 450 °C required for passive regeneration of the filter is rarely achieved under these operating conditions, because the average gas temperature of these vehicles is lower. To improve the regeneration ability, the system CSMF® is equipped with a special catalytic coat.
Quick and easy installation
The portions of SMF® are mounted in a stainless steel casing with the same dimensions as the original muffler. This means that it can easily be fitted into the existing exhaust system of any truck without the need to modify the compounds.
Besides the soot particles, filter systems also remove all other solid particles from the exhaust, mainly ash, engine oils and additives. These residues must be removed from the filter at regular intervals. A display unit for maintenance checks, which is included, monitors the filter continuously and automatically informs the driver when the system needs to be cleaned.
The cleaning intervals are 3-4 times more dilute in comparison with a typical ceramic soot filter of a truck.
When a filter needs to be cleaned, it is quick and easy at the truck’s company’s facilities or a workshop. The filter housing remains mounted on the vehicle. The only removed from the truck is the individual filter segments, which are then cleaned of any residues by means of a high-pressure cleaner of commerce. The filter cleaning can be done as part of routine maintenance of the vehicle.
You can see the video below for how simple it is to clean the filter:
Net Benefit
Trust SMF® for retrofitting of vehicles and benefit from the many years of experience in the market. Across Europe, thousands of trucks have already successfully installed the particulate filters of HJS. All systems comply with national regulations and are certified in accordance with the applicable licensing provisions as Appendix XXVII in Germany, VERT in Switzerland and approved in Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
Save toll charges in Germany
The installation of particulate filters on vehicles Euro II and Euro III in Germany is rewarded with lower rates of tolls on motorways. Even truck management companies from other countries may also have benefits from installing a particulate filter, as many European cities have introduced low emission zones, eg Amsterdam, Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, London and Rotterdam. On vehicles with high emissions either access is denied to these areas or they have access with specific restrictions. Installing an HJS particulate filter on vehicles guarantees unlimited access to low emission zones.
Briefly the HJS particulate filters for trucks / coaches offer:
- Pioneering technology based on SMF © (sintered metal filter).
- Retrofitting to EURO II and EURO III engines with fast and simple installation.
- 2 year warranty regardless kilometers
- Passive regeneration of the filter by CRT © (continuous regeneration technology)
- No need of replacement throughout the lifetime of the vehicle.
- Extremely low cost, rare cleaning intervals and easy service (simple cleaning with water).
- Access to low emission zones in many European cities and lower rates on motorways various European countries.
- Reduction of smoke greater than 99%, and reduction of ultrafine particles.
- Low temperatures for regeneration (250 °C-450 °C)
- Review and approval by the German Technical Inspectorate TÜV.
- Better resale value for your vehicle.
- Control unit which monitors the operation of the filter and informs the driver (where applicable).