Does the placement of a City-Filter® affect the warranty of my vehicle?
No. Placing a City-Filter® does not affect any legal warranty coverage or any extended warranty provided by the vehicle manufacturer. This decision was taken jointly by the German Monopolies Commission and the European Commission. All models HJS City-Filter® first checked by the TÜV. Subsequently, the Ministry of Transport of Germany gives the approval required under EU regulations. This is the best guarantee that all economic and technical requirements have been met.
Should I use a special engine oil after placing a City-Filter®?
No need of any special engine oil.
Does the HJS City-Filter® meet the relevant regulations?
The City-Filter® is tested in Germany by TÜV and has the approval required under EU regulations. In addition, the City-Filter® meets the technical requirements set out in Annex XXVII for systems reducing particulate, while no maintenance is required. A large number of independent tests confirm that the City-Filter® sets the standards for all retrofits of exhaust filtration systems and achieves performance up to 70 percent. Therefore, the law requirement (eg in Germany) for a minimum of 50 percent reduction in commercial vehicles, is exceeded in any vehicle by placing the filter.
Can I still use biodiesel in my vehicle after placing an HJS City-Filter®?
H HJS has conducted extensive tests with biodiesel. The use of RME biodiesel (produced according to standard DIN14214) with the City-Filter® presents no problem and has been approved by HJS.
Can the City-Filter® clog?
No. Regeneration (cleaning) of the filter starts when the exhaust temperature reaches approximately 200 ° C. The soot particles are oxidized and then decomposed. This chemical process is repeated continuously, so in fact the filter cleans itself.
Does the HJS particle filter require some kind of maintenance?
No, HJS City-Filter® not need any maintenance.
What if my vehicle has no catalyst installed?
In such cases, we will ensure that we provide a combined solution catalyst-filter without much additional cost.
What happens with the ashes of burnt engine oil?
The ash from the engine oil is burned during combustion is not a problem. The HJS City-Filter® can store large amounts of ash and parallel to last the lifetime of the vehicle.
What levels of particulate reduction can be achieved?
The HJS City-Filter® has absolutely no problem to "catch" the limits set by lawmakers for open systems particulate filters. The filtering solution of HJS has yield up to 70% depending on the vehicle, engine and driving style.
Who would I put the HJS City-Filter®?
The City-Filter® is easily placed in a good workshop. Not required more than an hour.
What warranty do you offer for the City-Filter®?
We give three years or 80,000 km warranty, whichever comes first.
How long will the filter last?
Under normal driving conditions, the HJS City-Filter® will last the lifetime of the vehicle.
What effect will the City-Filter® have in consumption and performance of my vehicle?
The installation of a diesel particulate filter has no appreciable effect on the engine performance. When the vehicle is driven normally, the backpressure of the exhaust system is minimal. The same applies for the fuel consumption. This has been confirmed by researches made by the ADAC * with HJS, which revealed barely measurable increase in fuel consumption of around 0.05 to 0.15 liters over 100 km.
*ADAC is the largest automobile club in Europe based in Germany.
Do I need to make changes to the engine management system after the installation of City-Filter®;
The HJS City-Filter® requires no changes to the engine management system. As in the case of a catalytic converter, the City-Filter® is installed in the exhaust system only by mechanical means.